HELLO everyone :D It's Lisa here. I'm gonna post something bout our class & it's by Daryl btw. & Don't take this too seriously.
{AARON} - freaking gay & hyper.
Jack - lol funny name ( {HWANG CHIAT} is black).
{C,M,P} - sticking together forever (eye bags gang).
A-{ONG} - Let's hope he isn't too long.
{EUGENE} - CS "pro".
{DO} - Extict bird.
{JONATHAN} - No money buy bread, eat pork, become fat, cannot shit. [translate this into Cantonese].
Two people I can't tell the difference from - no comment. [{the two malay girls sitting in front}]
{JC}, {JEN} , {SYD} - Powerpuff Girls (grow taller)(saving the world before bedtime!).
{LISA} - Tower (still growing).
Pn. Teo is in the class btw...
{SHI-YI} - Pengawas person.
{DONUT} - Roundy -> Braces -> [think of a doughnut] -> mmmm.
{SYD} - Ermm.. You're in the wrong country.
[The class is pretty screwed up]
{YIXIN} looks horny with glasses.
Some hairful guys comes next. [{TAY YING QI}]
{YEN YOU} - Erm, no comment.
{JING YI} - no comment also.
[imagine something black with braids?] cough-cough-cough.
{BRIGGI} and {WINNEE} - rhyming names.
{SU YI} - Mrs. Jon.
{PEI SHEN} - R.I.P Bottle.
Ketot FC (Azzhole) [{AZRUL}]
{YI PING} - erm.. tall.
Vincci - expensive. [{WINSON}]
{LAY ZHEN} - Mr. Muscle.
Ermm.. Gangsta = {ANWAR}
{ADAM} -> {ASH} -> football?
{FARID}/{RAVEE}/{DARYL} - Liverpool!!! (Bbennnayounn)
Kodok (Toad) [{NAJIB}]
{DING} - Bitch
{IAN} man - Iron Man.
Anwar & Azrul = Ultraman Twins.

Till here.
P.S.- Yes, Daryl. I'm still growing. & I can't grow shorter. Sorry to tell you this :D