Friday, September 11, 2009

Sweet 15th! (pics)

these r the photos taken from my party. upload yours if you brought a camera.

Ding. first to came but went back at 8.30. missed all the fun. evil glare!!


Sambil pose....

He ate how many kg???

wth is wrong with aaron?

poser....he can challange jon for food title now

limbo title aso....

shit(left) in a pile of roses.


my house is gonna burst =)

all in a line...

Birthday cake... guess wat we singing? Negaraku!!

Birthday Cake!!!!

Spiderman 3.... on flat screen....


Daryl got caught too...

Uno stacko!

illegal construction?

yeah! lion dance style!

Stacko Pros....

Jon solving the unsolvable rubiks cube.

Imagine some rock n' roll going on.

Plus jonathan on the guitar...

presents!!!thx guys! (the lil taiwan doll is actually my piggy bank)

Best wrapper award... see properly and you can see "love you love you". LOL. Dont worry, i love you too. =)

i love this card. zoom in to see properly.

i had a fun night. thx for those who came or gave me presents!


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